Top "Flask-wtforms" questions

Flask-WTF offers simple integration with WTForms.

Flask WTF-forms adding select and textarea

I am trying to make a flask form which produces the following HTML: <input type="text" name="title" class="…

python forms flask wtforms flask-wtforms
How to use WTForms in Ajax validation?

I accustomed of using WTForms by means of Flask-WTF in my flask application. Doing server side validation is trivial. But …

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
How to use Update query in Flask Peewee?

Hi I am using Flask Peewee and trying to update merchant_details model but it is not working. Following is …

python flask models flask-wtforms peewee
Is there a way to control the width of wtf.form_field input fields without affecting the label width?

I am currently rendering several Flask fields (SelectFields, InputFields) using the following jinja2 template: <div>{{ wtf.form_field(…

flask jinja2 wtforms flask-wtforms
Difference between `form.validate_on_submit()` and `form.validate()`

What is the difference between form.validate_on_submit() and form.validate()? In the Flask WTF docs, the author uses …

python-3.x validation flask-wtforms
ImportError: cannot import name 'url_encode' from 'werkzeug'

I am currently running a conda environment with flask-wtf version 0.14.2 and wtforms version 2.21 and I have trouble solving this ImportError: …

python flask flask-wtforms
Determine which WTForms button was pressed in a Flask view

I have a page with multiple links to redirect the user to different pages. I thought using a form would …

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
Add fields dynamically to WTForms form

I want to define a form class with fields based on a dict of name: label. I tried the following, …

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
Flask-WTF uses input=submit instead of button type=submit

I would like Flask's "SubmitField" to use <button type="submit" title="Save this form"><span>Save&…

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
Flask: conditional validation on multiple form fields

Let me start with usual - I'm new to both Python & Flask. Before posting this question (my first ever …

python forms validation flask flask-wtforms