Top "Flask-login" questions

Flask-Login provides user session management for the python web framework Flask.

Flask-Login check if user is authenticated without decorator

From the Flask-Login docs, it's described how a user of the system can require an authenticated User-model to access a …

python flask flask-login
Flask-login AttributeError: 'User' object has no attribute 'is_active'

I have a problem with flask-login. After filling login form and clicking 'Submit' i'm get this error: Flask-login AttributeError: 'User' …

python flask flask-login
How do I pass through the "next" URL with Flask and Flask-login?

The documentation for Flask-login talks about handling a "next" URL. The idea seems to be: User goes to /secret User …

python forms flask flask-login
Implementing Flask-Login with multiple User Classes

I am writing an app that has multiple classes that function as Users (for example, a School Account and a …

python flask flask-sqlalchemy flask-login
Testing Flask login and authentication?

I'm developing a Flask application and using Flask-security for user authentication (which in turn uses Flask-login underneath). I have a …

python unit-testing flask flask-login flask-security
How to implement login required decorator in Flask

I have 2 Flask apps (different projects) that work together . One implements some API which uses tokens for auth. The second …

python flask flask-login
Flask-Login Password Reset

I'm using the flask-login library, and I haven't been able to find any good tutorials or documentation on how to …

flask flask-sqlalchemy flask-login
Flask permanent session: where to define them?

By default, Flask uses volatile sessions, which means the session cookie is set to expire when browser closes. In order …

python session cookies flask flask-login
TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable g.user.is_authenticated()

I am trying to do this in my Flask application. But I am getting an error like this TypeError: 'bool' …

python flask flask-login