Top "Flask-extensions" questions

Flask extensions are pluggable helper libraries/packages, which add commonly used web application functionalities to a Flask application.

How to manually install Flask extensions?

I have a Flask project which I've put the flask module (version 0.9) directly beside my file. I've done …

python flask flask-login flask-extensions
Flask-RESTful how to add_resource and pass it non-global data

In the Flask-RESTful example application posted here, the TODOS collection is a global variable. After the Todo Resource is registered: …

python rest flask flask-extensions
ImportError: No module named flask.ext.restless

I'm trying to make Restful endpoints for a sqlalchemy database. But for some reason it can't find the Flask Restless …

python flask flask-extensions
flask-admin not showing foreignkey columns

class Parent(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True) name = db.Column(db.String(120)) def __repr_(self): …

python flask flask-sqlalchemy flask-admin flask-extensions
What's the point of the "is_authenticated" method used in Flask-Login?

I'm working through the Flask Mega-Tutorial right now and I've come across this bit of code: class User(db.Model): …

python web flask flask-login flask-extensions
how to use flask-cache and memcached?

an example for flask-cache with type "simple" below but how can i use flask-cache with memcache ? I need ur help …

flask flask-extensions flask-cache