I have a nested movie clip instance that I want to access. The path to the movie clip is defined by two variables ( similar to a row and column).
I am already dynamically accessing the parent movie clip like this:
eval("row" + ActiveRow)
Now I want to access one of row(#)'s children called let(#) dynamically.
Here are my best guesses at accomplishing the task (neither one works):
var i:number;
eval("row" + ActiveRow + ".let" + i) or eval("row" + ActiveRow).eval("let" + i)
Thanks a lot for your effort and possible solution..
you could try
this["row" + ActiveRow]["let" + i]
What would be better though is if when you create the instances you put them in an array... so maybe
var rowClips : Array = [];
for (var i : int = 0; i < 10; i++)
var row : MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("row" + i, i);
you can then call it by
Obviously depending on the situation there could be different logic to adding your MovieClips to an Array but essentially it's a much nicer way to store references to your MovieClips.