I wanted to update Flash IDE so that it uses new version of Flash Player 11.6 while playing movies during testing in IDE.
To check the version of Flash Player currently in use I trace -> Capabilities.version
I've installed all the plugin versions of 11.6 player for ax, and firefox. Copied playerglobal.swf to:
Edited FlashPlayer11_6.xml file in:
I've overridden all the standalone player files in Flash IDE directory:
But after applying all the above steps, Flash IDE is still using the old Flash Player while testing movies in IDE (Control>Test Movie>Test)
Interestingly enough, while debugging in IDE (Debug>Debug Movie>Debug) it shows correctly the updated version 11.6
So the debug .exe file must have been overridden correctly with the new standalone debug FlashPlayerDebugger.exe, but what about FlashPlayer.exe? It seems that Flash IDE is using some different .exe file located somewhere else than in:
Which .exe should be overridden in order to make Flash IDE use it as a new version of Flash Player during movie testing in IDE?
Note well, that if you upgrade the playerglobal.swc, FlashPlayer.exe and FlashPlayerDebug.exe For Flash CS6 (and 5 I believe) it does NOT change the player that Flash uses to "test" with (i.e. CTRL+Enter). The debug Player will be updated though (i.e. CTRL+Shift+Enter).
I updated to FP 11.9 but CTRL+Enter still uses 11.4 as is revealed by tracing "Capabilities.version".
As long as I use the Debug player (i.e. CTRL+Shift+Enter) or choose Publish from the file menu the code is OK both in the stand alone Player when you double click a SWF, and in a browser.
I have heard it said that default Test FlashPlayer is hidden inside authplay.dll.