Top "Flash-cs5" questions

Flash CS5 is part of Adobe's Creative Suite released on 30 April 2010.

Use code to change background color in AS3?

Is it possible to change the stage's background through actionscript? How do I do it? (Code please.)

flash actionscript-3 actionscript flash-cs5
Does AS3 Event.ENTER_FRAME run on every frame, always? Even on slow computers?

I have a script that relies on ENTER_FRAME event to run every time. I have noticed on some slower …

actionscript-3 flash-cs5
How to change the radial gradient for oval shape?

I have drawn a circle and applied radial gradient. fine. But when i changed the dimension to oval, the radial …

adobe photoshop flash-cs5 photoshop-cs4 photoshop-cs3
iOS and Android development on Windows

I'm facing a dilemma: I have a solid ASP.NET development experience in C# and looking to start mobile development. …

android ios xamarin.ios flash-cs5
Flash CS5 Crash corrupted files. How can I get my xml library assets back into a new FLA?

I started using Flash CS5 (and it sucks btw, but that's not my issue today). I spent many hours working …

flash flash-cs5 file-recovery
How do I change the background of a Flash document using ActionScript 3.0?

Let me preface this question by saying that I am a .NET developer at heart, just helping a friend with …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript flash-cs5
Get current page number in InDesign CS5 from Javascript

What is the DOM expression to get current page where the cursor is: app.activeDocument.currentPage ?

javascript adobe-indesign flash-cs5
How to use transparent BitmapData as a mask

I have a BitmapData object created dynamically that contains user-drawn shapes. I then attach that BitmapData object to a MovieClip …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript flash-cs5
running a hello world application in actionscript 3 (flash pro CS5.5)

Am self teaching myself actionscript 3, I read through some tutorials and understood the code perfectly, the problem lies in how …

flash actionscript-3 flash-cs5
Changing dyanmic text field in MovieClip added to stage by AS3 is not working?

When I change the text value of a dynamic text field, the text field is just going blank, not showing …

actionscript-3 flash flash-cs5