When running the Fitnesse tests via command Line I am getting a ClassNotFound Exception
caused by Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:fitnesse.runner.testRunner
could not find the main class:fitnesse.runner.TestRunner.Program will exit
Kindly help
TestRunner is no longer supported. Use http://fitnesse.org/FitNesse.UserGuide.CommandLineRestCommands
Update: link has changed - http://www.fitnesse.org/FitNesse.UserGuide.ControllingFitNesseFromTheCommandLine
Update: link has changed again - http://fitnesse.org/FitNesse.UserGuide.AdministeringFitNesse.ControllingFitNesseFromTheCommandLine
Excerpt from Fitnesse docs:
You can run any REST command (See Restful Services) from the command line by using the -c command line option as follows:
java -jar fitnesse-standalone.jar -c
This starts up fitnesse, runs the command, emits the output to standard out, and then exits.
Most often you will use this to run tests and/or suites from the command line as follows:
java -jar fitnesse-standalone.jar -c "MyTestPage?test&format=text"