I have Firefox with the [Firefox Page Title] page open on my Ubuntu computer.
Here is my command:
xdotool search "[Firefox Page Title]" windowactivate --sync key --clearmodifiers ctrl+r
xdotool website with documentation/examples is here.
Example straight from the xdotool website:
# As of version 2.20100623, you can do this simpler version of above:
xdotool search "Mozilla Firefox" windowactivate --sync key --clearmodifiers ctrl+l
I'm using xdotool version 2.20110530.1.
The command correctly focuses my screen to whatever window title I choose, but it doesn't send the ctrl+r key to the window, as the website doesn't refresh. I receive no error messages from the command. (Refresh shortcut in Firefox is ctrl+r)
Wanted Behavior:
The command will hopefully (when it works) be applied to a web server statistics page that is open 24/7 on my server computer, I'd like it to refresh the page automatically so I can view new traffic to my website without me having to do anything.
EDIT: I'm open to using other applications that can provide this functionality, if you know of something else that's easy/similar, please provide it as an answer! If I can't get this working I'll default to the next best thing.
I was trying to send keystrokes to an application and I also concluded that xdotool just doesn't work as described. I ended up using xvkbd to do the same thing.
For your example the following command refreshes a page in Firefox:
xvkbd -window Firefox -text "\Cr"