I want to inspect my website CSS/HTML elements in my Android browser.
However it will be over a smartphone or the Android SDK.
What is the best way to do it?
Had to debug a site for native Android browser and came here. So I tried weinre on an OS X 10.9 (as weinre server) with Firefox 30.0 (weinre client) and an Android 4.1.2 (target). I'm really, really surprised of the result.
sudo npm -g install weinre
weinre --boundHost YOUR.IP.ADDRESS.HERE
<script src="http://YOUR.IP.ADDRESS.HERE:8080/target/target-script-min.js"></script>
Maybe 8080 isn't your default port. Then in step 4 you have to call weinre --httpPort YOURPORT --boundHost YOUR.IP.ADRESS.HERE
And I don't remember exactly when it was, maybe somewhere after step 5, I had to accept incoming connections prompt, of course.
Happy debugging
P.S. I'm still overwhelmed how good that works. Even elements-highlighting work