How to structure and query data from Firebase Cloud Firestore in a many to many relationship?
I have Companies and Contractors. A Contractor can work for more than one Company and a Company can have multiple Contractors. This is a straightforward many to many relationship. I want to be able to answer the questions about Companies and Contractors:
Given a Company, who are the current Contractors. Given a Contractor what Companies are they working for. What is the right way for structuring the data within Cloud Firestore?
You can have Contractors item with a map field which has the key as the company key and the value can be true ou a timestamp to help ordering. And Companys with a map field with the contractors key as the key and some value. This aproach is mentioned in, when you try to filter and sort toghether...
idCompany1: timestamp
idCompany2: timestamp
idCompany3: timestamp
idContractor1: timestamp
idContractor2: timestamp
Is this case you can make any queries like this company contractors or the companies of this contractor. Like this:
fireStore.collection("Companies").whereField("contractors." + idContractor, isGreaterThan: 0).order(by: "contractors." + idContractor, descending: true)
Yes you have to update both places in any task
Hope this helps!