Top "Filtering" questions

In signal processing the complete or partial suppression of some aspect of the signal.

Filtering a wav file using python

So i recently successfully built a system which will record, plot, and playback an audio wav file entirely with python. …

python audio filtering wav
Filter an observable collection

I have a ListView control that displays items from an observable collection. These items need to be filtered. I am …

wpf listview data-binding filtering observablecollection
Matlab Low Pass filter using fft

I implemented a simple low pass filter in matlab using a forward and backward fft. It works in principle, but …

matlab filtering fft lowpass-filter
Recursively remove empty elements and subarrays from a multi-dimensional array

I can't seem to find a simple, straight-forward solution to the age-old problem of removing empty elements from arrays in …

php arrays multidimensional-array filtering is-empty
Why awk script does not work on Mac OS but works on Linux?

I have this awk script that I use to filter genes that are differentially expressed. I have a csv file …

macos awk filtering
Remember (persist) the filter, sort order and current page of jqGrid

My application users asked if it were possible for pages that contain a jqGrid to remember the filter, sort order …

jquery cookies persistence jqgrid filtering
how do i filter out non-numeric values in a text field in teradata?

oI have a teradata table with about 10 million records in it, that stores a numeric id field as a varchar. …

sql types filtering teradata
Filtering ZSH history by command

I was told that in ZSH you could do something like command and then when you hit up it would …

filtering history zsh
Laplacian of gaussian filter use

This is a formula for LoG filtering: (source: Also in applications with LoG filtering I see that …

image-processing filtering gaussian laplacian laplacianofgaussian
DSP - Filtering in the frequency domain via FFT

I've been playing around a little with the Exocortex implementation of the FFT, but I'm having some problems. Whenever I …

filtering signal-processing fft dft