I need to do a lot of videos with the next specifications:
I've being doing a lot of test with different commands but always shows error.
Well, I think I got it in the next command:
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:18.300 -i music.mp3 -loop 1 -i bg.mp4 -i ac%d.png -i dust.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:0]scale=1600:ih*1200/iw, crop=1600:900[a];[a][2:0] overlay=0:0[b]; [3:0] scale=1600:ih*1600/iw, crop=1600:900,setsar=1[c]; [b][c] blend=all_mode='overlay':all_opacity=0.2" -shortest -y output.mp4
I'm going to explain in order to share what I've found:
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:18.300 -i music.mp3 -loop 1 -i bg.mp4 -i ac%d.png -i dust.mp4
[1:0]scale=1600:ih*1600/iw, crop=1600:900, setsar=1[a];
[a][2:0] overlay=0:0[b];
[3:0]scale=1600:ih*1600/iw, crop=1600:900,setsar=1[c];
[b][c] blend=all_mode='overlay':all_opacity=0.1
That's all. If anyone can explay how this scaling filter works, I would thank a lot!