I found that static files served from a Rails application running in /home/pupeno/projectx
take more or less half as much time than the ones served from /mnt/c/Users/pupeno/projectx
. It's almost acceptable. I tried webrick and puma (as well as passenger and unicorn, which don't work yet).
So, if I'm going to host my source code in /home/pupeno
, how do I access from Windows applications such as RubyMine?
For the record, this is the application being served from the Windows file system:
and this is the Linux file system:
PM for Windows Command-Line here:
Thus far, accessing Linux files from Windows has been unsupported. To understand why, please read this post: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/2016/11/17/do-not-change-linux-files-using-windows-apps-and-tools/
However, as of Windows 10 build 1903 (March 2019), we (finally!) exposed your distros' filesystems to Windows!
To learn more, please read this post: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/2019/02/15/whats-new-for-wsl-in-windows-10-version-1903/
Look forward to hearing how you get on with this feature. If you find any problems, please file issues on the WSL GitHub repo here: https://github.com/microsoft/wsl.