Top "Fileinfo" questions

fileinfo refers to the properties of a file that are not part of the content, but rather meta-information such as file type, last modification time, id in the file system, etc.

FileInfo.OpenText() Fails To Read Special Characters E.G. üò°

Have some text files that display many characters as � in TextBox and TextBlock. How can I properly read and display …

.net wpf utf-8 fileinfo opentext
FileInfo.MoveTo if file exists - rename

I have an application that moves files from one directory to another, but sometimes a conflict occurs and the file …

c# fileinfo
VB.Net - FileInfo.FullName - Am I missing something?

I have some some code which was written before I started here (sounds like a submission for The Daily WTF!) … .net fileinfo
How to get latest file name from folder in directory

Ans: Here is one solution for getting latest file name from folder using c# code Call Function as follows: FileInfo …

c# file-io io fileinfo getdirectories