Top "Fileapi" questions

Use this tag for questions related to the W3C File API.

Uploading and saving a file programmatically to Drupal nodes

I am trying to create a node based on a custom form submission. Everything works great except for the images …

drupal drupal-7 fileapi
IE and local file reading

I've just watched the mozilla File API file reading as new FileReader(); etc. and I must ask is there something …

javascript internet-explorer fileapi
How do I generate a thumbnail client-side in a modern browser?

I'm looking for an elegant way to generate a thumbnail for use with the FileAPI. Currently I get a DataURL …

html fileapi
What is the purpose of webkitRelativePath property in File object?

If you printout File object in Chrome console with something simple like this: <input type="file" onchange="…

html dom webkit console fileapi
Read file stream using JavaScript in web browser

In web browser, I want to compute sha1 checksum of a huge file in the local filesystem without sending it …

html stream fileapi
IOS6 and Safari Photo Uploading - File API + Canvas + jQuery Ajax Uploading and Resizing Files Asynchronously

IOS6 has been released and I've been testing photo uploading. It works well, but with larger images over 3G it …

ajax jquery ios6 fileapi
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL vs window.requestFileSystem

What is the difference in using window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL vs window.requestFileSystem when downloading files with the cordova file plugin? I …

cordova fileapi
How to set File objects and length property at FileList object where the files are also reflected at FormData object?

It is possible to set .files property of <input type="file"> element to a FileList from for example …

javascript form-data fileapi filelist
File field - Append file list

I have made me a simple file field: <input type="file" name="pictures_array[]" multiple accept="image/*" id="page_…

html forms file-upload fileapi
How to download a file without using <a> element with download attribute or a server?

According to caniuse the download attribute of <a> element is supported at Microsoft Edge build 10547+, but not IE …

javascript html file download fileapi