Lost code lines when Notepad++ crashed

Netero_sama picture Netero_sama · Jun 11, 2014 · Viewed 50.9k times · Source

I was working on a .js file this morning on Notepad++, as usual, when the program just crashed. So I ended it, and re-opened it to see that all my code lines in my .js file, had disappeared, and now all I have left is the file with a size of 0kb because there's nothing left in it. How the hell is that even possible ? It erased everything I typed and saved the file as if there's nothing in it.

Do you know a way to get my code back ? Or did something like this ever happened to someone ? :/ I'm kinda worried because there was a lot of work there and I don't feel like re-typing it all...


Indrajit picture Indrajit · Dec 16, 2014

When that option is enabled (and it is by default), Notepad++ keeps a backup copy of files you edit.

You can find the backups in the directory %APPDATA%\Notepad++\backup under the format filename@datetime.