Top "File" questions

A block of arbitrary information, or resource for storing information, accessible by the string-based name or path.

Unix - copy contents of one directory to another

Folder1/ -fileA.txt -fileB.txt -fileC.txt > mkdir Folder2/ > [copy command] And now Folder2/ looks like: Folder2/ -fileA.…

file unix copy directory
Get names of all files from a folder with Ruby

I want to get all file names from a folder using Ruby.

ruby file directory filenames
How to get absolute path to file in /resources folder of your project

Assume standard maven setup. Say in your resources folder you have a file abc. In Java, how can I get …

java maven file resources
Why should text files end with a newline?

I assume everyone here is familiar with the adage that all text files should end with a newline. I've known …

file unix text-files newline
Printing the last column of a line in a file

I have a file that is constantly being written to/updated. I want to find the last line containing a …

file awk tail
python requests file upload

I'm performing a simple task of uploading a file using Python requests library. I searched Stack Overflow and no one …

python file file-upload python-requests
how to read all files inside particular folder

I want to read all xml files inside a particular folder in c# .net XDocument doc2 = XDocument.Load((PG.SMNR.…

c# xml file
Java sending and receiving file (byte[]) over sockets

I am trying to develop a very simple client / server where the client converts a file to bytes, sends it …

java file sockets client
Reading file using fscanf() in C

I need to read and print data from a file. I wrote the program like below, #include<stdio.h&…

c file readfile scanf
Get full path without filename from path that includes filename

Is there anything built into System.IO.Path that gives me just the filepath? For example, if I have a …

c# file path