I'm trying to delete/move a file using classic asp fso but I'm getting this error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
The file is located in c:\files\test\file.txt
and ultimately I want to move it to c:\archive\file.txt
I started out with Move but I got the error. Then I split it up into Copy and Delete. The copying went fine but still the same error on Delete.
I ruled out the Delete method because I was able to use Delete on the file in the 'archive' folder using this code:
dim fs,f
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f=fs.GetFile("C:\archive\file.txt")
set f=nothing
set fs=nothing
I also double-checked the permissions on both folders and they're exactly the same for IIS_IUSRS: Read&Execute, List folder contents, Read, Write are checked. I tried giving Modify rights as well but that made no difference.
Finally, I checked the file's attributes and it came back as 32 (Archive). I also tried to force the delete:
fso.DeleteFile FileName, true
IIS_USRS folder permissions had to specifically include 'Delete' from the 'Advanced' dialog in Windows.