Top "File-exists" questions

A "FileExists" method provides a mechanism to determine if a specified path/file exists.

Check if a file Exists async?

I wish there was a File.ExistsAsync() I have: bool exists = await Task.Run(() => File.Exists(fileName)); Using a …

c# async-await file-exists
PHP file_exists() returning false on some files

I'm having a strange problem with the file_exists() PHP function on a Linux server. When using file_exists to …

php file-exists
How to detect if a file exist in a project folder?

I am having a collection of images in my project folder. how to detect if a image exist in my …

c# file-exists
php check file name exist, rename the file

How do I check if file name exists, rename the file? for example, I upload a image 1086_002.jpg if the …

php file-exists
use php read file on network with ip or computername

When i use php read file on LAN network through ip or computer name. $url = "\\\\\\testshare\\1.txt"; if(file_exists($…

php file-get-contents file-exists
Nodejs check if the given string is a valid file system path without actually checking the file system

How in nodejs can I check if the given string is a valid filesystem path without actually checking the filesystem. …

node.js file path filesystems file-exists
Rename a file if same already exists

I'm trying to upload a file and rename it if it already exists. The way I want i to do …

php file-upload filenames file-rename file-exists
Check if a file exists in Yii

I am creating a bunch of modules that all extend a base module. However, some actions need to override the …

php yii file-exists
Matlab 'exist' returns 0 for a file that definitely exists!

I'm running Matlab 7.8.0 under Windows. I am calling an external utility using dos() which creates a file in the current …

file matlab file-exists