Top "Figure" questions

A container for images, plots or other graphical elements with some optional meta-information.

How to use matplotlib tight layout with Figure?

I found tight_layout function for pyplot and want to use it. In my application I embed matplotlib plots into …

python matplotlib figure
How can I set subplot size in MATLAB figure?

I often need to plot 10 images together, but using this code results in small images : img = rand(400,600); for i=1:10 subplot(2,5,…

matlab plot screen fullscreen figure
How can I rotate a matplotlib plot through 90 degrees?

I have created a figure in matplotlib which contains three subplots, one in the top left quadrant, one in the …

python matplotlib rotation figure
What are the differences between add_axes and add_subplot?

In a previous answer it was recommended to me to use add_subplot instead of add_axes to show axes …

python matplotlib figure axes
Latex: Text cannot be placed below image

I'm having a problem with an image and some text. I have this code: Some text...\\ \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \…

layout latex figure text-alignment
How to plot arrow with data coordinates in Matlab?

I know there is a function named annotation can plot arrows or double arrows. But annotation can only plot in …

matlab plot annotations figure
How to prevent numbers being changed to exponential form in Python matplotlib figure

I'm using Matplotlib in Python to plot simple x-y datasets. This produces nice-looking graphs, although when I "zoom in" too …

python graph matplotlib figure
MATLAB subplot title and axes labels

I have the following script to ultimately plot a 4 by 2 subplot: files = getAllFiles('preliminaries'); n = size(files); cases = cell(1, n); …

matlab label plot figure
How can I extract data from a .fig file in MATLAB?

I know this is really basic, but I am new to MATLAB. After opening a .fig file, how do you …

matlab file plot figure
Subfigs of a figure on multiple pages

I am facing problem of stacking many figures The problem is the stack figure is overriding the page dimension vertically …

latex figure multipage