I use this code for extracting video information by ffprobe :
ffprobe -show_streams -of json -v quiet -i input.mp4
The information of all streams appears in the output while I need only the information of v:0 and a:0 streams.
I know that there is -select_streams
option for stream selection but it accepts only one argument like: -select_streams v:0
Can I use -select_streams
by two arguments v:0
and a:0
or using it twice?
I know that I'm late to the party, but in case anybody else searches for something similar (from here):
ffprobe -show_streams -select_streams a INPUT
where a stands for audio and could of course be replaced by:
Note that if you want to view 2 different streams (like audio and video) you need to run ffprobe twice.
For more goodies, although very generally written, you can also check: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/FFprobeTips