Recording IP Camera stream with FFMPEG

Zohaib Khalid picture Zohaib Khalid · Oct 19, 2014 · Viewed 29.6k times · Source

Hey I am trying to record the IP camera stream using FFMPEG . But it is giving me Input/Output error . Here is the command

ffmpeg -i http://admin:@ip:81/livestream.cgi E:\Video\my.h264

My camera is H264 encoded. Now Please help how to remove this error . Any Help would be appreciated .


NitinG picture NitinG · Oct 20, 2014

I am saving my content using this and its working fine. Check if the input is correct or try to put the specifics of the video while receiving the stream.

ffmpeg -i http://admin:[email protected]:554/dd-a -c copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_time 300 -segment_format mp4 "outfile.mp4"