Top "Fbconnect" questions

fbconnect is an abbreviation for the Facebook Connect sdk which serve as a means to connect to the facebook servers.

Can I store Facebook access token and use it later?

I am building a web app (PHP) that uses FB connect. I successfully register / sign in user with the help …

php facebook oauth facebook-graph-api fbconnect
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL: Domains, protocols and ports must match.

I'm trying to set the height of the app by calling: FB.init({ appId: fbAppId, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: …

facebook fbconnect
Facebook's FBConnect SDK issues on iOS

I'm using FBConnect sdk in order to publish posts to a user's profile via my application. I'm having a number …

iphone objective-c ios facebook fbconnect
Facebook Connect with NodeJS

I am creating a web app with express.js and angular,js, where the client authenticates via facebook. For facebook …

node.js facebook-javascript-sdk fbconnect facebook-node-sdk
Facebook Connect button not showing up in Safari/Chrome

My implementation of Facebook Connect (just a simple login button, fb:login-button) works perfectly on Firefox and IE. But the …

safari google-chrome webkit fbconnect
facebook connect ( login and register by facebook)

i was looking for the right plugin to make register and both login users to my site, but i've checked …

api facebook facebook-graph-api fbconnect
FBConnect with NSDictionary problems

I have this code that can't send a Facebook request until now. NSDictionary *firstDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"image", @"Type", @"http://mysite.…

iphone cocoa-touch fbconnect
Login to my application using facebook credentials

This question might sound kiddish to you but I have to ask it. I need to login from my application …

android facebook fbconnect
How to get "newly added photos to an album" in facebook news feed using Graph Api

I am getting facebook news feed using News feed: I am …

facebook fbconnect facebook-graph-api
FB connect logout problem: Logs out from FB site

When I logout from my site using FB connect, Facebook account also logged out. I need a alternate logout option, …

facebook fbconnect