Top "Fastcgi" questions

FastCGI is an optimized implementation of the CGI interface that aims to reduce the processing overhead for each CGI request on a webserver.

How do I find out the currently running PHP executable?

From inside a PHP program I want to know the location of the binary executing it. Perl has $^X for …

php fastcgi
C language FastCGI with Nginx

I am attempting to run a fastcgi app written in C language behind the Nginx web server. The web browser …

c nginx fastcgi
Php-fpm does not listen on ports

I have been trying to get php-fpm (w nginx) to work with the default port(9000) and it just does not …

php nginx centos fastcgi fpm
Best method to create a c++ app to communicate with nginx

I need to write a C++ interface that can read our data structure and provide the o/p based on …

c++ http node.js nginx fastcgi
fcgio.cpp:50: error: 'EOF' was not declared in this scope

I am attempting to build fastcgi on a Linux Ubuntu 10.x machine. I run the following commands: ./configure make and …

c++ c makefile g++ fastcgi
session_start seems to be very slow (but only sometimes)

For some odd reason, just today our server decided to be very slow during the starting of sessions. For every …

php apache session debian fastcgi
FastCGI for C++

I've found only two FastCGI libraries for C++. There's the "official" one, and fastcgi++. How is either one better than …

c++ fastcgi
My nginx + fastcgi configuration downloads php files instead of executing them

I'm using this configuration on a fresh install of php5-fpm and nginx on ubuntu 13.04: server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 …

nginx fastcgi
FastCgi vs PHP-FPM using Nginx web server

I am using this tutorial to install nginx, php and mysql on my new web server. The tutorial is using …

nginx memcached fastcgi php xcache
Using .htaccess with FastCGI

I've readed that when using FastCGI to run PHP the .htaccess file included into the main directory of my site …

php .htaccess fastcgi httpd.conf