A family tree, or pedigree chart, is a chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure.
I'm looking for a way to represent a family tree in PHP. This means that children will need to inherit …
php data-structures family-treeI have this table in MySQL: id name mother 1 grandma 0 2 myuncle 1 3 mymom 1 4 me 3 5 mysister 3 6 myson 4 7 new_grandma_son 1 I almacenate …
php mysql recursion tree family-treeI would like to be able to calculate the family relationship between two individuals in a family tree, given the …
graph-theory relationship genealogy family-treeI'm following this guide on how to make a family tree using only CSS3. But I can't really get my …
html css family-treehttps://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/285418/name-of-data-structure-thats-tree-like-with-multiple-root-nodes I stumbled upon the above where someone answered a question regarding implementing a tree …
java tree family-tree