Facebook page automatic "like" URL (for QR Code)

Fedor Alexander Steeman picture Fedor Alexander Steeman · Jan 6, 2012 · Viewed 112.6k times · Source

I was wondering if one could construct a URL for automatically liking a Facebook page. Then this URL could be converted to a QR Code so people can automatically "like" your page by reading it with their smartphone.

I have been searching a lot, but all I could find so far are commercial services like Spotlike, Likify, Social QR Code etc. I don't want a solution that relies on such commercial services.

I am starting to suspect that Facebook has not enabled this possibility for understandable reasons (abuse and such). Still, I was hoping it would be possible to do this somehow, even by just creating my own intermediary service. In the latter case what would be basically required for creating such a service?


I already did try a URL like this: http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://facebook.com/interlinkONE

This URL (also when encoded as a QR code) did not really give a desirable result on an iPhone, as it showed a blank page with a tiny "like" button that was barely discernible. Also, it did not appear to work even when I attempted to click the "like" button.

Source: http://qreateandtrack.com/2010/10/18/how-to-create-qr-codes-for-the-facebook-like-button/


DMCS picture DMCS · Jan 6, 2012

I'm not an attorney, but clicking the like button without the express permission of a facebook user might be a violation of facebook policy. You should have your corporate attorney check out the facebook policy.

You should encode the url to a page with a like button, so when scanned by the phone, it opens up a browser window to the like page, where now the user has the option to like it or not.