Facebook SDK Login - Application Unavailable: The application you're trying to use is either no longer available or access is restricted

Franck Mamboue picture Franck Mamboue · Mar 3, 2018 · Viewed 11.2k times · Source

A user tried to login to my app using Facebook login and they encountered the following error after being redirected to their native Facebook app: "Application Unavailable: The application you're trying to use is either no longer available or access is restricted".

I'm not able to reproduce it and I haven't found much online. The app is available since it's live under Facebook apps and it's being used by existing users. The only option would be that the access is restricted but I'm not sure why. I do know that Facebook launched a security update in March to "Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs" by default, but this update does not apply to the Facebook SDK according to what I read.


Vinvolv picture Vinvolv · Oct 3, 2019

I had the same error message on Android devices which was caused by setting only development key hashes solved it by adding release key hash, following these instructions: Setting a Release Key Hash on facebook