how to make facebook recognize my webpage images

Mariam picture Mariam · Oct 30, 2010 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

i developed a website ut when i share any page in facebook

facebook should recognize my page and select images to select a thumbnail

but this do not happen in my website as if facebook can not recognize my page

or cannot read it and select images from it what should i do

to let facebook recognize my page and load all images in the page to navigate left and right to select a thumb for the shared page


curt picture curt · Oct 31, 2010

Looks like the question has already been answered here. Here is another useful link. Thanks for asking. It made me find out something I can use.

Update: After trying it and finding it not to work I tried the method in this post. It initially didn't work, but that was because I forgot to upload the image. So it may be the case that the original method may still work. Here's the template I used in my head section:

<meta property="og:title" content="your title">
<meta property="og:description" content="your description">
<meta property="og:image" content="">

Update 2: If it seems that Facebook isn't recognizing your code, try their lint tool. This does two things. The obvious one is that it reports any errors in your code. The second is that it refreshes Facebook's cache of the page. I had two pages where the new code wasn't recognized until I did this.