Totally lost on this and docs don't really give any insight on this...
Using the Facebook Javascript SDK in my app with this login button code:
<fb:login-button scope="manage_pages,read_insights,ads_management" autologoutlink="true" size="large"></fb:login-button>
As per the docs, autologoutlink=true
param turns the login
button to log out
once the user is logged in. I want to keep this functionality and not write my own button code
This event calls FB.logout
but still returns the error message in the callback
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.logout', function(response) {
FB.logout(function(response) {
// FB.logout() called without an access token.
I would like to use the Facebook Login Widget and not my own button for login, so the other answers on the same subject don't help. I don't understand how I'm supposed to pass the access_token to prove I'm authorized to logout...
Apparently this isn't possible, at least in no way I can figure out. Quick solution is call this function from a custom Log Out
function fbLogoutUser() {
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response && response.status === 'connected') {
FB.logout(function(response) {
The page reload makes another request to Facebook which then sees the unauthorized state and removes the cookie from the browser which in turn invalidates the access_token. So this logs out the user from the site and from Facebook.