I have the following case:
My client already has a facebook page with timeline and a decent amount of likes. My job is to integrate facebook comments and facebook like to their website. For this I need an App ID, which I can easily get by creating a new app on developers.facebook.com
What I want is to somehow connect this app to the client's page so;
I have already spent many hours trying to get this to work, but I don't yet see a way. I can imagine that when I create a new App and then add a page to that app I have them connected. Though my client's company isn't an "app", it's a real-world business. Also, this way my clients loses all their likes on their current page.
Please help me figuring out the right way to do this.
Thanks in advance.
If you have a Pretty URL, you can go to http://graph.facebook.com/{yourpagename}. The App ID of the page will be right there at the top. If you do NOT have a Pretty URL for the page, the App ID of the page is the number at the very end of its URL.