I get an "IOException: Sharing violation on path" after importing the Facebook Unity SDK.
The exception is thrown from FacebookPostprocess.cs:35, when the PostProcess tries to Save the modified Xcode project.
It seems the modified version of XCodeEditor, the Facebook SDK uses, doesn't close the StreamReader.
You should change these lines in Assets\Facebook\Editor\iOS\third_party\XCodeEditor-for-Unity\XCProject.cs from:
projectFileInfo = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( this.filePath, "project.pbxproj" ) );
string contents = projectFileInfo.OpenText().ReadToEnd();
projectFileInfo = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( this.filePath, "project.pbxproj" ) );
StreamReader sr = projectFileInfo.OpenText();
string contents = sr.ReadToEnd();
The modification is from the original XCodeEditor (https://github.com/dcariola/XCodeEditor-for-Unity).