Top "Face-detection" questions

Face detection is a computer technology that determines the locations and sizes of human faces in arbitrary (digital) images.

Face gender detection library

I'm looking for an SDK or library that can detect faces in a webcam stream, and detect gender. Free or …

image-processing opencv computer-vision emgucv face-detection
C# - Detect face and crop image

I'm writing a HttpHandler in C# which serves resized images and blah blah blah... No troubles, we have millions of …

c# image-processing face-detection
Viola-Jones' face detection claims 180k features

I've been implementing an adaptation of Viola-Jones' face detection algorithm. The technique relies upon placing a subframe of 24x24 pixels …

algorithm image-processing computer-vision face-detection viola-jones
rotated face detection

Is there a library for detecting faces that have been rotated in the image plane? Or is there some way …

opencv face-detection
Using OpenCV detectMultiScale to find my face

I'm pretty sure I have the general theme correct, but I'm not finding any faces. My code reads from c=…

python opencv face-detection
How to choose the cascade file for face detection?

I am a freshman for face detection. These days I try to compile the OpenCV2.1 code for face detection. I …

opencv face-detection
Face detection in PHP

Does anybody know of a good way to do face detection in PHP? I came across some code here that …

php image-processing gd gdlib face-detection
Facial expression recognition from webcam

I am currently working on a project where I have to extract the facial expression of a user (only one …

opencv expression webcam face-detection feature-detection
How to align face images c++ opencv

I am developing a C++ application for face authentication. First, I have to detect the face and pre-process the image. …

c++ opencv face-detection face-recognition
Access denied due to invalid subscription key (Face API)

I am having trouble using Microsoft Face API. Below is my sample request: curl -v -X POST "https://westus.api.…

face-detection microsoft-cognitive face-api