In my grid I have added a row editor as plugin (with new Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor()
). I want to set focus on a specific column in a specific record.
This is what I have now:
It starts editing and sets focus on the first field, but I want to define a different field. Searching the web I see people having something like: editor.startEditing(record, column)
or editor.startEdit(record, column)
the first doesn't seem to work and the latter function does not exist.
The solution could rely in a 'RowEditing' plugin but since ExtJs is new to me I don't understand how to do that.
Any help is very much appreciated.
I am using a grid with a Row Editor in ExtJS 4.0.2 and I programatically add a row and start editing it with this code:
var editor = grid.getPlugin('myRowEditor');
grid.getSelectionModel().select(lastRowCounter); //0 based selector.
editor.startEdit(lastRowCounter,1); //start editing on Second column.