Empty message in gridPanel

nani1216 picture nani1216 · Oct 19, 2010 · Viewed 19.4k times · Source

I'm using Extjs gridPanel to display data. I want to show "No data..." message in gridPanel when no data available. How to do this ?.

I tried emptyText property but its not worked.

I think emptyText is for gridView not for gridPanel.

Please help me how to show empty data message in gridPanel.(I'm using gridPanel not grid View)


Brian Moeskau picture Brian Moeskau · Oct 19, 2010

You answered your own question -- it is indeed a GridView property. So to specify it in the GridPanel (which uses a GridView internally) just do this:

myGrid = new Ext.GridPanel({
    viewConfig: {
        emptyText: 'No records'

Per the comments below, you might also include deferEmptyText: false in the viewConfig for the text to render immediately (otherwise it waits until after the initial store load is complete).