I have a store and an array. I want to remove records from the store if that record's value matches with values in the array. Following is is the code I am trying but it's not working. Can anyone suggest the correct way?
'store' is the actual store and 'filterItems' is the array of records I want to remove from 'store'.
store.each(function (record) {
for (var i = 0; i < filterItems.length; i++) {
if (record.get('ItemId') === _filterItems[i].get('ItemId')) {
itemIndex = store.data.indexOf(record);
store.removeAt(itemIndex );
Not sure about your code because i dont know all variables. Though its recommended to use the store.getRange() fn and iterate the array via for loop. Its better for performance.
var storeItems = store.getRange(),
i = 0;
for(; i<storeItems.length; i++){
if(Ext.Array.contains(filterItemIds, storeItems[i].get('id')))
Here is an example which i tried right now and it works well.