How can I get my application from a view?
For example consider I have an application Boo
and there's a view that named Boo.view.Foo.List
and I want to get Boo
in the view List
See this code, and look at the line 20.
Ext.define('Boo.view.Foo.List', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
model: 'Boo.model.FooModel',
alias: 'widget.foolist',
store: 'FooListStore',
initComponent: function () {
this.columns = [
text: "Hello world",
dataIndex: 'Time',
flex: 1
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
width: 50,
items: [{
icon: 'cancel.png',
tooltip: 'Cancel',
handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex, col, e) {
//Now I need to get the application here, for example with self.getApplication() or something like this.
You can archieve this using the appProperty
name: 'MyApp',
appProperty: 'Current'
You can now call
from anywhere cause the MyApp
namespace resist within the window (global) scope.
For any Version before 4.1.3 add the following line to the Launch-Method of the Application
YourAppName[this.appProperty] = this;