Top "Expression" questions

Combination of several programming symbols and values intending to produce a result

converting a .net Func<T> to a .net Expression<Func<T>>

Going from a lambda to an Expression is easy using a method call... public void GimmeExpression(Expression<Func<…

c# .net lambda expression func
What is the XPath expression to find only the first occurrence?

I used this Xpath expression "//span[@class='Big']" and got all elements in that page that are under <span&…

xml xpath expression
Insert Dimensions to complete Expression/ReferenceType

I'm a newbie to Java. I have provided a short snippet from my code for BFS. public int bfs(Person …

java generics expression reference-type
Count expression SSRS Report

Trying to count all rows in a column where column=Yes I have two columns in my report Accepted and …

reporting-services count expression ssrs-expression
Modulo in order of operation

Where does modulo come in the mathematical order of operation? I am guessing it is similar to division, but before …

math expression
JPA Criteria API IN expression Parameter list

Is there a possibility to use a parameter list in Criteria API .in expression? I have something like this: List&…

java jpa expression criteria-api
How to split a long regular expression into multiple lines in JavaScript?

I have a very long regular expression, which I wish to split into multiple lines in my JavaScript code to …

javascript regex jslint expression readability
Split a MYSQL string from GROUP_CONCAT into an ( array, like, expression, list) that IN () can understand

This question follows on from MYSQL join results set wiped results during IN () in where clause? So, short version of …

mysql list expression explode
Report Builder 3.0 SWITCH expression DEFAULT/ELSE

I am trying to display a different logo based on the users franchise number. Parameter = UserFranNr If the value <&…

reporting-services expression reporting reportbuilder3.0 ssrs-expression
Boolean Expressions in SQL Select list

I want to create a SQL Select to do a unit test in MS SQL Server 2005. The basic idea is …

sql unit-testing tsql expression assert