Top "Expression" questions

Combination of several programming symbols and values intending to produce a result

SSRS BIDS expression Show/Hide image based on passed through parameter

Is it possible to have an image available if a certain field is selected, in this case the parameter is @…

sql-server reporting-services expression bids ssrs-expression
What is the result of an assignment expression in C?

In the following code: int c; while((c=10)>0) What does c = 10 evaluate to? Is it 1 which indicates that the …

c expression assignment-operator
Are compound statements (blocks) surrounded by parens expressions in ANSI C?

Browsing the Linux kernel sources I found some piece of code where a block of statements surrounded by parenthesis is …

c gcc standards expression
REGEX To accept numbers separated by commas, but number range is 0-32767

I need to write a regular expression for taking input like this 23,456,22,1,32767 i.e. No commas allowed at the start …

regex numbers expression range spaces
how to use expression in in names.arg function

I have several carbon compounds in my bar graph but I need to subscript the numbers associated with each one, …

r expression plotmath
How to use regex lookahead to limit the total length of input string

I have this regular expression and want to add the rule which limit the total length is no more than 15 …

regex expression limit lookahead
NHibernate Criteria - How to filter on combination of properties

I needed to filter a list of results using the combination of two properties. A plain SQL statement would look …

nhibernate expression icriteria
R: legend expression how to add comma between two values and how to supress scientific notation

I'm trying to format the legend in my plot, but I have to use expression() because of greek and superscripts. …

r plot expression legend plotmath
How to Write a Boolean Expression Evaluator in C?

Suppose I have a string such as this in a text file: (((var1 AND var2 AND var3) OR var4) AND ((…

evaluate expression c
Error with define in Racket

I just discovered Racket a few days ago, and I'm trying to get more comfortable with it by writing a …

functional-programming lisp scheme expression racket