Top "Expression-blend" questions

Expression Blend is a visual design tool used to create WPF, Silverlight, and Windows Phone 7 application user interfaces.

Applying style to Path inside ContentPresenter (BasedOn not working!)

I am unable to apply a MouseOver style to a Path inside a ContentPresenter. I have a Button style containing …

wpf expression-blend
Is there a way to pass a parameter (or multiple params) to the CallMethodAction behavior?

Is there a way to pass a parameter (or multiple params) to the CallMethodAction behavior?

xaml mvvm expression-blend
Silverlight: Switching VisualStates of CustomVisualStateManager in code-behind

i've been trying to deal with the following problem: When creating a custom animations for different visual states in Expression …

c# silverlight silverlight-3.0 expression-blend visualstatemanager
Expression Blend: Getting error "XXX" does not exist in the namespace "XXX", but not in VS2008

I am trying to use Blend 3.0 to edit a project that contains some WPF controls. This project already compiles and …

expression-blend expression-blend-3 expression-blend-4
WPF How to add blend interaction trigger to style resource

I am using VS 2012, with WPF 4.5 I want to be able to add a blend interaction trigger to a style …

wpf mvvm mvvm-light expression-blend eventtocommand
does visual studio express 2013 come with blend, how can i open it?

I have been looking a for a while today and i didn't find anything about it, there is a lot …

c# wpf expression-blend visual-studio-2013