Top "Express-jwt" questions

Connect/express middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and set the req.

implementing refresh-tokens with angular and express-jwt

I want to implement the Sliding expiration concept with json web tokens using angular, nodejs and express-jwt. I'm a little …

angularjs node.js express express-jwt json-web-token
Authorization type Bearer Token on Postman

I'm trying test a few endpoints using Postman. All endpoint, require a token which can be obtain by log-in. So …

authorization postman bearer-token express-jwt
Any complete example for express-jwt?

I want to use express-jwt in my express node application but I can not find any examples which demonstrate signing-in …

node.js express express-jwt
Node js, JWT token and logic behind

I'm using the JWT to protect node js urls To create a JWT token user …

javascript node.js express jwt express-jwt
How to get user id using jwt token

I tried to get user id from a JWT token. I got a JWT token and sucessfully verified it, but …

node.js jwt access-token express-jwt
Handling parameterised routes in express-jwt using unless

Given the following route: router.get('/api/members/confirm/:id, function (req, res, next) how do I specify the …

express express-jwt
Why is jsonwebtoken throwing an "invalid signature" error?

I am using the jsonwebtoken package ( to handle JWTs in my project. No matter what …

node.js jwt express-jwt
How do I access getToken in

In the express-jwt docs there is a reference to being able to use a getToken function to get the token …

ExpressJs JWT secret or public key must be provided

I would like to make check-auth but return to me JsonWebTokenError: secret or public key must be provided I can …

node.js express jwt express-jwt
Pass JWT in Header

I am learning JWT with NodeJs. I am stuck at passing the JWT in header actually i do not know …

javascript node.js express json-web-token express-jwt