Top "Expandablelistadapter" questions

An adapter that links a ExpandableListView with the underlying data.

how to call notifyDataSetChanged for custom ExpandableListView?

i'm trying to call notifyDataSetChanged for my custom ExpandableListView. what happens is for my child list, it shows the files …

android expandablelistview expandablelistadapter
ExpandableListview OnGroupClickListener Not Firing

I'm following this: Programmatically collapse a group in ExpandableListView. I want the user capable to expand only one group at …

android expandablelistview onclicklistener expandablelistadapter
getChildView not being called

I am making a menu which includes a custom ExpandableListView adapter. Despite trying to match my code as close to …

android expandablelistview expandablelistadapter
ExpandableListView inside ExpandableListView

I would like to know if it is possible to put an ExpandableListView as one child of one element of …

android expandablelistview expandablelistadapter
button in expandable listview android

i have a ExpandableListActivity with an custom Adapter. if the custom row of the adapter contains a imageViewall is done, …

android expandablelistview expandablelistadapter
can ListView be inside ExpandableListView?

can we have ListView inside ExpandableListView so that I can have group level first and then array of child (listView). …

android android-layout android-listview expandablelistview expandablelistadapter
Get expanded group view of an ExpandableListView using onGroupExpand

I'm using an ExpandableListView and I'm unsuccessfully trying to move an image when expanding a group (the image being part …

android expandablelistview expandablelistadapter
How to get sticky / Pinned Headers in an ExpandableListView?

Has anyone had any luck adapting PinnedHeaderListView so that it can be used with an ExpandableListView instead of just a …

android expandablelistview sticky expandablelistadapter
Android: How to correctly use NotifyDataSetChanged with SimpleExpandableListAdapter?

I am struggeling updating my ExpandableListView via NotfiyDataSetChanged. I am downloading some data from a webserver, which is displayed correctly …

java android user-interface expandablelistview expandablelistadapter