An adapter that links a ExpandableListView with the underlying data.
i'm trying to call notifyDataSetChanged for my custom ExpandableListView. what happens is for my child list, it shows the files …
android expandablelistview expandablelistadapterI'm following this: Programmatically collapse a group in ExpandableListView. I want the user capable to expand only one group at …
android expandablelistview onclicklistener expandablelistadapterI am trying to set a background color for item when the user click on a child item in my …
android android-listview expandablelistview expandablelistadapterI am making a menu which includes a custom ExpandableListView adapter. Despite trying to match my code as close to …
android expandablelistview expandablelistadapterI would like to know if it is possible to put an ExpandableListView as one child of one element of …
android expandablelistview expandablelistadapteri have a ExpandableListActivity with an custom Adapter. if the custom row of the adapter contains a imageViewall is done, …
android expandablelistview expandablelistadaptercan we have ListView inside ExpandableListView so that I can have group level first and then array of child (listView). …
android android-layout android-listview expandablelistview expandablelistadapterI'm using an ExpandableListView and I'm unsuccessfully trying to move an image when expanding a group (the image being part …
android expandablelistview expandablelistadapterHas anyone had any luck adapting PinnedHeaderListView so that it can be used with an ExpandableListView instead of just a …
android expandablelistview sticky expandablelistadapterI am struggeling updating my ExpandableListView via NotfiyDataSetChanged. I am downloading some data from a webserver, which is displayed correctly …
java android user-interface expandablelistview expandablelistadapter