Top "Execvp" questions

execvp, is a POSIX specified function from the exec* family, which replaces the current process with one specified.

Passing an array to execvp() from the user's input

I'm trying to pass arguments entered by the user to execvp(). So far I've split up the string. If the …

c execvp
Linux Command to Show Stopped and Running processes?

I'm presently executing the following Linux command in one of my c programs to display processes that are running. Is …

c linux process execvp
execvp(): no such file or directory?

For some reason, execvp() doesn't find the commands (like ls, pwd, etc.) in my PATH file, which includes /bin. Since …

c execvp strsep
Error when spawning child process in node.js

I'm trying to get a little ffmpeg converter-service up and running, made pretty good progress so far. But when it …

node.js spawn execvp
fork/exec/waitpid issue

I'm trying to determine whether an execution failed by checking the result of waitpid(). However, even when I run a …

c exec fork execvp waitpid
Does control return after "execvp()"?

if(pid == 0) { execvp(cmd, args); // printf("hello"); // apparently, putting this or not does not work. _exit(-1); } else { // parent process …

c exit execvp
fork after malloc in parent... does the child process need to free it?

Answers to questions in your head: Yes, this is for school. No, I can't use threads for this. And yes, …

c dynamic malloc fork execvp