Top "Execution" questions

Refers to the act of running a process.

how to set timer for calculate execution time

i like to set timer for calculating execution time in c# for particular process in my execution. how can i …

c# execution
Best practice for an endless/ periodic execution of code in C#

Often in my code I start threads which basically look like this: void WatchForSomething() { while(true) { if(SomeCondition) { //Raise Event …

c# .net winapi events execution
Difference between Machine Cycle, Bus Cycle and Execution Cycle

I am unable to understand the difference between Bus Cycle, Instruction Cycle and Machine Cycle. Please help me out. Thanks

hardware execution bus
KSH shell script won't execute and returns 127 (not found)

Can anyone enlighten me why the following won't work? $ groups staff btgroup $ ls -l total 64 -rw-rw---- 1 sld248 btgroup 26840 Apr 02 13:39 padaddwip.…

ksh execution return-code
Showing "JOptionPane.showMessageDialog" without stopping flow of execution

I'm currently working on a project that's getting more complex than I thought it would be originally. What I'm aiming …

java multithreading dialog jframe execution
How to run batch script without using *.bat extension

Is there any method in Windows through which we can execute a batch script without *.bat extension?

execution batch-file
Output compile time stamp in Visual C++ executable?

How can I insert compilation timestamp information into an executable I build with Visual C++ 2005? I want to be able …

c++ visual-c++ execution compile-time
at-most-once and exactly-once

I am studying Distributed Systems and when it comes to the RPC part, I have heard about these two semantics (…

rpc semantics execution
AspectJ : Issue when combining multiple pointcuts in @Around advice

I'm a beginner in AspectJ so please guide me to resolve the issue happening as per the below approach. @Aspect …

aop aspectj execution pointcuts
In Linux, how to execute Java jar file with external jar files?

In Linux, how to execute Java jar file with external jar files?

java linux jar execution