spring feign client exception handling

kcoder picture kcoder · Mar 6, 2019 · Viewed 41.8k times · Source

I have some fiegn client to send request other micro service.

public interface UserClient {

            method= RequestMethod.GET,
                      path = "/userlist")
    String getUserByid(@RequestParam(value ="id") String id);


Now I am sending request like this

try {
    String responseData = userClient.getUserByid(id);
    return responseData;

catch(FeignException e)
 logger.error("Failed to get user", id);

catch (Exception e) 
 logger.error("Failed to get user", id);

Here the problem is if any FeignException happens I dont get any error code.

I need to send a corresponding error codes in other APIS to send to caller

So how to extract the error code? I want to extract error code and build a responseEntity

I got this code but dont know how exactly I can use in my function.


Srinath picture Srinath · May 21, 2019

Not the same issue, but this helped in my situation. OpenFeign's FeignException doesn't bind to a specific HTTP status (i.e. doesn't use Spring's @ResponseStatus annotation), which makes Spring default to 500 whenever faced with a FeignException. That's okay because a FeignException can have numerous causes that can't be related to a particular HTTP status.

However you can change the way that Spring handles FeignExceptions. Simply define an ExceptionHandler that handles the FeignException

public class GlobalExceptionHandler {

    public String handleFeignStatusException(FeignException e, HttpServletResponse response) {
        return "feignError";


This example makes Spring return the same HTTP status that you received