Open New Instance of Excel 2010 with every file

johnf picture johnf · Jan 14, 2011 · Viewed 95k times · Source

I am using Excel 2010 and want to manage a large Excel files.

So I would like to open a new Excel Instance when opening every file from my Windows Explorer. At the point all files are opened in the same Excel Instance.

Any assistance is kindly appreciated.


[ I fould this: ]


Simon Cowen picture Simon Cowen · Feb 1, 2011

Go to a folder in Windows Explorer, then Tools -> Folder Options, then the File Types tab. For each of XLSM, XLSB, XLSX, etcetera, select it, then click Advanced, select Open in the Actions list, then click Edit.

Adjust the settings to:

Application used to perform action: - "C:...\EXCEL.EXE" "%1"

Use DDE - Checked


Application - Excel

Topic - System