Excel Solver Password: what is it and where can it be acquired/bought?

Gian picture Gian · Feb 20, 2017 · Viewed 36k times · Source

I've been exploring VBA and excel and I've been writing a few basic codes around the Excel Solver. However robust the Excel Solver may appear, it's just not fast enough for my optimization problem (one iteration takes 20 minutes).

I've been looking around and speaking with more experienced programmers, and the consensus is that VBA is simply not fast and that C++, C#, and especially CUDA languages are much faster.

Looking at the VBA modules in Excel, the Solver module is locked by a password. I've been searching for that password and where it can be acquired for weeks to no avail.

Questions: Can this password be acquired? If so, how? Can it be bought from Microsoft? How much?

Objective: To get the Solver VBA to be able to potentially convert it to C# or C++ to make the optimization process faster.

P.S. I've looked at Microsoft Solver Foundation but it wasn't helpful.

Thank you.


Old Nick picture Old Nick · Feb 20, 2017

You can use this password to unlock the SOLVER.XLAM project;
