How to keep one variable constant with other one changing with row in excel

dude picture dude · Jan 28, 2010 · Viewed 838.7k times · Source

Lets say I have one cell A1, which I want to keep constant in a calculation. For example, I want to calculate a value like this:


How do I make it so that if I drag that cell to make a calculation across cells in many rows, only the B1 value changes, while A1 always references that cell, instead of going to A2, A3, etc.?


Alex Brown picture Alex Brown · Jan 28, 2010

Use this form:


The $ tells excel not to adjust that address while pasting the formula into new cells.

Since you are dragging across rows, you really only need to freeze the row part:


Keyboard Shortcuts

Commenters helpfully pointed out that you can toggle relative addressing for a formula in the currently selected cells with these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Windows: f4
  • Mac: CommandT