I want to create a peice of VBA code which will select the first 10 rows from a ListObject and then paste them into another ListObject. Once a collection of rows has been copied to the new sheet, they will be processed, then the next 10 rows will be selected and processed, and so on.
I can achieve this using standard VBA functions, but I would like to achieve this using the ListObject, i.e.
Sub PopulateSectionOfData()
Dim loInput As ListObject
Dim loOutput As ListObject
Dim intNumOfColumns As Integer
Dim rngToCopy As Range
Dim intRowsInFile As Integer
' Create the inout and output ListObjects
Set loInput = Worksheets(WS_INPUT).ListObjects(LO_INPUT)
Set loOutput = Worksheets(WS_OUTPUT).ListObjects(LO_OUTPUT)
' Delete all the current rows from the output table
' Set variables
intNumOfColumns = loInput.ListColumns.Count
WorkbookCounter = 1
intRowsInFile = 10 ' Select 10 records at a time
' Get 10 records at a time from the input file
For i = 1 To loInput.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count Step intRowsInFile - 1
'???? - This is the area that i am unsure on
Set rngToCopy = loInput.DataBodyRange(p, 1)
rngToCopy.Copy loOutput
' TODO - Add further processing here
Next i
' Clear used objects
Set loInput = Nothing
Set loOutput = Nothing
End Sub
Any help on this matter would be most appreciated as I would like to use ListObjects
Thank you in advance
refers to the actual range of rows and columns in the table. If there are no rows in the table (which is your condition after executing DataBodyRange.Delete
, you'll need to add a row to the table first; then, you can copy and paste data into that row, with Excel expanding the table accordingly
Your for
loop can be updated to read as follows:
For i = 1 To loInput.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count Step intRowsInFile - 1
' First add a blank row to the table
' Check that 10 rows are available in the input table
' (Done to avoid adding blank rows to the output table)
If i + 9 > loInput.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count Then
loInput.DataBodyRange.Rows(i & ":" & loInput.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count) _
.Copy loOutput.DataBodyRange.Rows(i)
loInput.DataBodyRange.Rows(i & ":" & i + 9).Copy loOutput
End If
Next i