Why am I getting Error 2042 in VBA Match?

user2140261 picture user2140261 · Mar 20, 2013 · Viewed 91.3k times · Source

I have Column A:

|  |  A     |
| 1|123456  |
| 2|Order_No|
| 3|    7   |

Now if I enter:


into a cell on the sheet I get


As a result. (This is desired)

But when I enter this line:

Dim CurrentShipment As Integer
CurrentShipment = 7
CurrentRow = Application.Match(CurrentShipment, Range("A1:A5"), 0)

CurrentRow gets a value of "Error 2042"

My first instinct was to make sure that the value 7 was in fact in the range, and it was.

My next was maybe the Match function required a string so I tried

Dim CurrentShipment As Integer
CurrentShipment = 7
CurrentRow = Application.Match(Cstr(CurrentShipment), Range("A1:A5"), 0)

to no avail.


KDT picture KDT · Sep 19, 2013

As a side note to this and for anyone who gets this error in future, with any function returning a possible error, the variant type works quite well:

Dim vreturn as variant 

vreturn = Application.Match(CurrentShipment, Range("A1:A5"), 0) ' this could be any function like a vlookup for example as well

If IsError(vreturn) Then
    ' handle error
    CurrentRow = cint(vreturn)
End If