I have a column where people enter email address manually. I want to validate the email address using this formula:
=AND(FIND(“@”,A2),FIND(“.”,A2),ISERROR(FIND(” “,A2)))
but excel comes up with error that the formula you typed contains an error. For me the formula looks right. Do you guys have any suggestions?
I got the same error for your code, and it appears that you have NOT "plain" double quotes, that is different from this symbol: "
Try my spelling: =AND(FIND("@",A2),FIND(".",A2),ISERROR(FIND(" ",A2)))
- hope will help!
In addition, consider to use =AND(NOT(ISERROR(FIND("@",A1))),NOT(ISERROR(FIND(".",A1))),ISERROR(FIND(" ",A1)))
- that will prevent errors in case @
or .
are missing. Still, this will pass as OK aaa@.
, but I suppose even such straightforward approach has rights to be used)